Friday, August 31, 2012

Horizontal Falls

We are doing the tourist thing today and are on a charter float plane flight to Horizontal Falls. This company offers a half day tour, full day tour and an overnight trip. We are on the half day tour. We got a great view of the falls during the fly over. We landed at the barge and were taken by jet boat through the falls on a waning tide. Once back on the barge we watched the staff feed the Torny Nurse Sharks and a few guests slipped into the cages to observe them from the water.

The views over the Buccaneer
Archipelago are spectacular. We just flew past the controversy site for the LPG gas hub at James Price Point. Hitting very turbulent air and being bounced around.

The photos below speak for themselves as to the spectacular scenery and unique landscape. The entire trip was jaw-dropping.

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