Thursday, August 30, 2012

Techo Geek

They say a picture speaks volumes. What do you think? Do I have enough gadgets? This image does not include the tripods, speakers, wireless pointer, wireless mouse.....  Just between Colin and myself we have 10 devices to record images! Add in Steve and Cyd's and Leanne's and Jim's and we are a mobile recording studio.

Two days of being the IT person at the conference was very stressful. On the last day, a video refused to open and I fiddled anxiously for what seemed like minutes as 70 delegates stared at a blank screen, and the beads of sweat forming on my brow. The speaker nervously made small talk to ease the silence. I refused to give up and tried everything I could think of to get that video to play. I refused to be beaten by a temperamental piece of technology. Perseverance finally paid off. When the video started, I could feel a collective sign of relief from all - or maybe that was just my inner voice's sigh of relief!

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