Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 6 on to Karijini NP

Packed up camp. Didn't get much restful sleep due to the diesel generator that growled all night, which came on at an oddly schedule hour of 12:30 PM and ran until 7 AM, good thing was between that noise and the brisk southwesterly winds, it drowned out the cacophony of Jim's snoring.

At dinner we all reflected on our personal highlight of the day. Col - Cyd's squeal of delight at the sight of a fully breaching humpback whale. Cyd - diving over the bombie at Mangrove Sanctuary and seeing the amazing variety of marine life. Steve - the combination of spectacles (ie. whales, pristine reef, walk up Mandu Gorge, wildlife sighting, beach access for snorkelling). LA - meeting a campground host family and learning about this incredible volunteer program . Leanne and Jim concurred that their highlight was the snorkle off the beach at Lakeside.

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