We left Broome and travelled the 450 kilometres
to Silent Grove in King Leopold Range Conservation Park. The road was a bit
challenging in places, beginning with the start of the Gibb River Road which
has a one lane paved strip and graveled shoulders and requires vehicles to take
one wheel to the shoulder when meeting another.
As challenging as that was, when we left the paved strip and hit the
corrugated gravel road, we were longing to be back playing chicken on the
single lane. The drive to Silent Grove was mostly done in the twilight and
dark, so today we are looking to seenig the
scenery we missed. One part of
the scerery we we are glad we did not miss was the cattle standing on the road
and who were not too interested in moving when Jim honked at them. Not that
Colin and I could see much, flowing in the thick red dust kicked up from the
gravel road by the Prado breaking trail ahead. The last part of the journey
down the 12 kilometre road to Silent Grove was an adventure. The road signs
stating Road Hazard Ahead were not to be taken lightly, as we quickly
“I Like the sulfer crested cockatoos”,
stated Steve this morning. He also said he heard the night animals but was too
tired to get up. “ L-A saw the Quoll and
then Banidcoot who came fossicking around the tents looking for left overs.
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