Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Winjana Gorge

Winjana Gorge – a spectacular rock formation that rises dramatically up out of the grass lands. We were met here by AJ Atkins, a Bunuba Senior Ranger who took us through the gorge  and explained the aboriginal interpretation and cultural significant. He spoke about food gathering and fishing techniques, plant uses, ceremonial traditions. He shared the story of Jandamarra who lead a resistance against early white settles. He was hunted from 3 years by the police and hundreds of Aboriginals were slaughter by the police and pastoralists trying to take over their lands. The site of Winjana Gorge is the location of the Jandamarra’s stronghold where they held back a large contingent of police for several days. At one point he was shot and injured and believed dead, but survived later to be killed at Tunnel Creek.
We met Adam and Brigette the volunteer campsite hosts who shared that Windjana is a special place that one really needs to settle in for a few days to take it all in and appreciate this magical place. We also met the lovely and cheery Kelly, on her first day working for DEC as a Ranger.
During the morning walk through the gorge we saw the trilobite fossil on the rock wall, some 6 feet above ground level, which is illustrative of the ancient Devonian reef being pushed skyward and the sea-level receding.
On the bank of the river we encountered a couple of sunbathing freshwater crocodiles, and various water birds. The area vegetation houses many other birds. There were archer fish in the pools beneath the overhanging tress. A rock wallaby was seen as well as some ‘roos, including a joey out of the pouch, bouncing along behind his mother. AJ whistled as they hopped away and they came to a dead stop and turned and looked at him. It was quite amazing. 

The evening was spend sleeping under another clear star filled sky. A highlight was the full moon rising over the jagged rock face.

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